Deva-Ansh Curcuma Longa Lipida


Regulates : Blood cholesterol, Lowers Triglycerides & LDL, Increases HDL, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant

Helps in :  Age-Related ailments, Wellness, Health

Ingredients : High Curcumin Turmeric, Garlic, Onions & Basil

Directions: One tea spoon per day with 50 ml room temperature water.

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Regulates : Blood cholesterol, Lowers Triglycerides & LDL, Increases HDL, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant

Helps in : Energy Boosting, Age-Related ailments, Wellness, Health

Ingredients : High Curcumin Turmeric, Garlic, Onions & Basil

Directions: One tea spoon per day with 50 ml room temperature water.

All Deva-Ansh products are naturally grown and free from impurities.

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Weight 50 g
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