Deva-Ansh Curcuma Longa (4 bottles for the price of 3)


Maintains : Blood sugar, Excellent for digestive system, Cardio-protective, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Improved Brain Function

Helps in the Treatment of: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Liver Diseases, Age-Related, Chronic Diseases, Cancer, Arthritis, & more

Ingredients: Curcuma Longa, Piper Nirgum

Directions: For general use – Mix 1/4 teaspoon(3g) powder in 50 ml room temperature water. Consume on empty stomach.


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Maintains : Blood sugar, Excellent for digestive system, Cardio-protective, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Improved Brain Function

Helps in the Treatment of : Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Liver Diseases, Age-Related, Chronic Diseases & more

Ingredients : Curcuma Longa, Piper Nigrum

Directions: For general use – Mix 1/4 teaspoon (3g) powder in 50 ml room temperature water.
Consume on empty stomach.

All Deva-Ansh products are naturally grown and free from impurities.

  • Indications: – Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant
  • High Curcumin turmeric with Pepper for Enhanced Absorption

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Weight 100 g
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